Tarjimly helps reunite Somali refugee family

With the help of a Tarjimly volunteer translator, a bridge was built between the mother's passionate pleas and the agency's structured processes

In San Diego, Amina's heart ached for her daughter and her family still stranded in Somalia. Communication with her resettlement agency was a relentless struggle due to the language barrier, leaving her feeling helpless and unheard. She deeply yearned to be reunited with her daughter, but the words to express it were just out of reach. With the help of a Tarjimly volunteer translator, a bridge was built between the mother's passionate pleas and the agency's structured processes. When told that her daughter's case could proceed only if arrangements for temporary shelter were made before arrival, the mother worked tirelessly for a home to guarantee her family's reunion and comfort. As a result, the resettlement agency progressed with the case, expecting the daughter and her family to arrive within two months. The Tarjimly translator didn't just relay words; they captured the essence of the mother's unwavering commitment and love.


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