About Tarjimly

Our mission is to eliminate humanitarian language barriers at a global scale, increasing the efficiency of humanitarian services and improving the lives of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants.

How Tarjimly Started


We believe it's a human right to be heard and understood, that's why we created the world's most accessible interpretation service.

Tarjimly was founded in 2017 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit in direct response to the Syrian refugee crisis and the U.S. Muslim Ban.

During volunteer work in Turkish and Greek refugee camps, seeing the urgent need for interpreters, we launched Tarjimly after the Muslim Ban left many stranded at U.S. airports, gaining 4,000 sign-ups on day one.

Originally a Facebook Messenger bot in a few languages, we evolved to meet challenges in language diversity, data security, and scalability by creating a HIPAA-compliant mobile app.

Tarjimly' means "translate for me" in Arabic.

The root 'tarjim' is found in Arabic, Farsi, Dari, Pashto, Urdu, Turkish, and many other languages.

What is the Issue of Language Barriers?

Affects support in all social sectors

Language barriers acutely harm refugees by restricting access, efficiency, quality and scale of support across every social sector, including medical care, legal assistance, education, psychosocial support, employment and social services.

For Refugees

44% of refugees find themselves unable to communicate with those assisting them in camps, during processing, or while resettling in host nations.

In the US alone, 76% of healthcare providers report inadequate access to interpretation services.

For Humanitarians

Humanitarians can’t do their daily job effectively when they encounter language barriers, leading to denial of service or offering less effective help.

For NGOs

Organizations often struggle to meet the high demand for interpreters and may not be able to offer services in all required languages, particularly when assisting diverse and fluid populations. Moreover, costly solutions like remote hotlines are not affordable for all NGOs.

A Growing Issue

Global conflict, political unrest and climate change have ballooned the forcibly displaced community to over 100 million people, and the number of refugees is expected to keep growing.

What is Tarjimly's Solution?

Utilising Technology

We utilise a mobile application and an AI enabled algorithm to connect the right translator, for the right situation, as fast as possible.

Utilising Community

We aim to activate as many of the world's 3 billion bilinguals as possible to become volunteer translators for the 100 million people in crisis.

Training Interpreters

We offer in-app trainings on best practices of interpretation and trauma-informed interpretation to help bi-lingual volunteers feel prepared to translate and interpret.

Knowledge of the Humanitarian Sector

Through our work with organisations world-wide, we understand humanitarians' needs and have become uniquely positioned to create tailored services for NGOs.

Impact over profit

As a non-profit organisation, all our revenue from professional services goes directly back to help fund our mission of eliminating language barriers.


Global conflict, political unrest and climate change have ballooned the forcibly displaced community to over 100 million people. 44% of the refugee population cannot understand information they're given or communicate with people trying to help them in camps, in processing, or resettling in host countries.

Most refugees fall below the poverty line, and even in the US, 76% of medical providers report poor access to interpretation. Language barriers acutely harm refugees by restricting access, efficiency, quality and scale of support across every social sector: medical, legal/asylum, education, coordination, resettlement, trauma, employment, casework, housing, food, etc.

Humanitarians can’t do their daily job effectively, which leads to well-documented discriminatory denial of service for so many, but also critical errors, isolation, and ultimately adverse health outcomes. Eliminating these barriers has the potential for broad social impact across sectors, enabling holistic livelihood improvement for refugees to resettle, return to normalcy, and thrive.

Our Solution

Tarjimly merges two core solutions: community and technology.We activate the world's 3 billion bilinguals, mostly from diaspora communities, as volunteer translators for the 100 million people in crisis. For rarer languages and sensitive scenarios, we hire and train paid bilingual refugees as translators and interpreters to create a feedback loop of economic empowerment and unparalleled coverage of 250+ language pairs.

Our technology solution uses AI/ML matching of translators to refugees and humanitarians, which lowers commitments, limits attrition, and raises the certainty of high impact - we connect the right translator for the right situation as fast as possible. Beneficiaries can live chat, conference call, submit documents, filter by gender, dialect, expertise, and more.

By providing on-demand remote language support that’s free for refugees and affordable for humanitarians, Tarjimly eliminates language barriers and dramatically improves the speed, equity, and cost-effectiveness of worldwide humanitarian support and social services.

Our Commitments

Tarjimly is a mission-driven organization that is committed to:


Providing language access services to all who need it: immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and the humanitarian organizations who support them.


Supporting organizations to provide language access to cover all humanitarian services.


Providing technological solutions for accessible language access for refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers.